A message from the inventor
Motorcycle accident statistics are clear. Collisions, resulting from a rider being thrown from the motorcycle and impacting with the ground or crashing into an obstacle such as a guardrail, are the main reasons for deaths and serious injuries. More than 90% of these injuries are to the head, neck or chest. A helmet may protect the head but an impact to the helmet may also cause an injury to the neck.
Hit Air, an airbag jacket for motorcyclists, now offers protection to the neck where various kinds of protection padding have been lacking. Protection is also provided for the front and the back of the body by a shock-buffering airbag system, offering riders additional protection during accidents. We are continuing our quest to develop innovative products to enhance riding safety.
Police in Japan, Spain, China, Turkey, France and many other countries and districts are big users of Hit-air Airbag System for its safety and reliability.
Because of increasing world-wide safety awareness, Hit-air Airbag System is now sold in more than 40 countries.